Project Blood Immortal
Title: Blood Eternities (placeholder)
Format: Novel
Date Started: May 27, 2024
Status: Work in Progress
Word count: 56,484
Draft number: 2
Genre: Adult Fantasy
Pitch: (Draft) A group of people named themselves Eternities, have found a living god imprisoned in the body of their rival sect, simply called the Institution. They devised a ritual in which the god, once set free by going a blood sacrifice, will grant invulnerability to anything to the Eternities for a century. Then, they would have to do it again. And it the god will always be reborn and imprisoned in someone in the Family. You are part of the Eternities. You are also sick and tired of tradition. For centuries, you’ve grown bored and resentful towards the other Eternities that sometimes, you think having an end makes living more exciting. When you chance upon the living vessel, you decided to plot against your own bloodline and bring about the destruction of you all.
July 4, 2024
Finally finished the first draft! I'll be leaving this alone for now for a month so that I can look at it with fresh eyes. Will update soon! x
October 14, 2024
Done with the second draft. Will be editing the third draft tomorrow! x
December 16, 2024
Done with editing the physical copy. Will start editing the final draft tomorrow!
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash